Thursday, June 21, 2007

Back at School

And so I find myself back at the ol' grind, doing the same crap I keep doing, and wondering what the hell is the point.

College teachers are a dime a dozen. And that's about all they get paid. I really think I want to become a secretary. I think I'd get paid more, and I wouldn't have papers to bring home with me.

Qu'est-ce-que c'est le point?

1 comment:

imogen66 said...

This is how I feel, most of the time, too. I'd be better off answering phones and working a regular schedule. I know that I know how to do that, because I've done it before. And I was pretty good at it too. No one ever wrote me bad reviews every few months that said I did a lousy job because they were too lazy to do what I'd asked them. And people appreciated the fact that I went out of my way to be helpful and kind. Instead of blaming me for doing my job by challenging and pushing. Sigh. I've been in a real mood to just chuck it all lately. But at the heart of all of this drama, I know there's something we really do love about this stupid business. Maybe we just need some new perspective. But I'm right here, with you.