Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Not Getting Much Done, Attempt 2

That was so weird. I remember clicking on a button in the settings that said it would put a choice to transliterate into Hindi, but I didn't realize that it would automatically transliterate the title. Hence, I changed it back.

Right now, I'm getting IMmed from a jerk I had a ONS with over a year ago. He periodically e-mails me to find out if I'm having sex with anyone. For the longest, after the ONS, I said I had decided to be celibate. It wasn't true, but it was a good way to keep him from hassling me. What I need to do is block his name so I wouldn't get IMs from him. Of course, I did that with his old IM name, and he just sent me an IM under his new name. I could also just tell him he was so bad in bed that I would never even consider talking to him. But that is mean. And I try very hard not to be mean. Even to people I don't particularly like.

I thought about doing some grading today. I thought about it, and then I didn't think about it. I've been having a hard day. I just feel worthless and sad. And I have a headache. And my cat caught another mouse and brought it in the apartment. I don't know. I just seem to be stagnating.

I was reading Doggerel's blog instead. And looking around on Blogger to find new and interesting people to read. Found a few that I put in my links list.

Maybe I should go to bed. Even if it's only 6 p.m. in the evening.... Of course, I went to bed at 3 p.m. yesterday, with a migraine. I get those a lot. I'm beginning to think I'm so stressed out that it's manifesting itself in headaches--like one every day. True, it's the end of the semester, and normally that really does stress me out. But I think it's worse this time. Much worse.

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