Sunday, August 16, 2009

I'll Try to Be a Little More Present, I Promise

I've been writing in my new blog--the one under my actual name--which is why I haven't been here recently. The point of the new blog is to kind of talk about my writing, and it's less personal because of it. Another reason I started that blog has to do with the fact that I REALLY need to become part of the poetry community. I've spent most of my life staying unnoticed, out of the limelight, etc., and what has it gotten me? Nothing. I've got to promote my name (my "brand," if you will) if I hope to get my work published and noticed. So, no more shrinking violet.

Anyway, I'm through with the drama associated with talking about my family--particularly my asshole father and his psychotic asshole wife. After the whole $hi+ with my dad not showing up to my wedding because his wife said she would divorce him if he came AND HE BELIEVED IT, THE MORON (he is the gravy train, after all, and she's too much of a lazy ass to do anything even approaching divorcing him), the only place where I'll talk about them--if I talk about them, and they're so boring, I probably won't--is here, which is anonymous (as far as I know). And if it's not, and somehow they find this blog too, well, I'm beyond caring.

Anyway, the new blog is focused on my writing, which kind of leaves everything else unexplored, so today I thought I'd write here just to catch up.

Things are going pretty well. I've written 13 poems in the last 16 days, which makes me feel accomplished. My marriage (it feels weird to say that!) is also going well, though I've sort of (but not quite) given up on the hopes for a clean house. He just doesn't want to help, and the place is so big, that I can't really do it myself. My Mom is coming in a few weeks, so whether he wants to help or not, he's going to, or I will resort to beating him with my shoe.

About the only thing that is not going well is my health--and it's all related to that damn cancer I had in 2007-2008. It's like every time I go to the doctor, she puts me on some new medication because some part of my body is failing. I don't really talk about it to anyone, husband included, because I just feel like what's the point? The next time I go for a blood test, she'll find someone else that's bad. And I don't want to be one of those people who all she does is talk about how bad her health is. Speaking of which, I need to go to Target today and drop off 3 new prescriptions. Yippee.

I need to get back to reading all the blogs I used to. I sort of got out of the habit when I was spending all that time getting ready for the wedding. I apologize to the people I used to read--I didn't forget them. I just got a little preoccupied.

Love to all!

1 comment:

Zan said...

Hey! Like *I* would be annoyed by health talk? Call me, we can compare prescriptions :) You know you can't keep that all to yourself or it's gonna rebound and make you sicker.