Saturday, February 9, 2008

New Treatment

The doctor didn't like my last bloodtest and said the cancer wasn't responding. So I've been switched to a new treatment, a more aggressive one that knocks my ass out and makes me so sick. I thought the other treatment wasn't great, but this is worse.

I was exhausted all day yesterday, and I had to go onto campus for a meeting. Two hours total, and I thought I would die. Today, I didn't even get out of bed till almost 5, and it's not even 8:30, and I'm thinking of going back to bed.

I've been managing alright. But now I'm afraid that this new treatment (which takes about a couple of hours to administer) is going to make things very, very hard for me.

I wish I could give up cancer for Lent.


Maude said...

ugh, sweetie, i'm so sorry. hang in there girl. i'm thinking of you.

Zan said...

I'm so sorry :( *drops River AND Rain in your lap* Hug your kitty tight. It's going to be alright.

queen emily said...

How rubbish, I'm sorry to hear that :(

*rummages around for some ginger ale*

Take care xx