Sunday, January 13, 2008

I Just Found Out...

...that my identity has been stolen. Someone charged $162 in an EFT charge on my bank account for phone services to Bellsouth--which I do not even subscribe to. More than that, the charge overdrew me by $131 in my account, so the bank slapped me with a $25 fee. You can damn well bet I'm calling both my bank and Bellsouth tomorrow.



Maude said...

oh man! that happened to me once. someone hacked in to my checking account and bought $80 worth of porn! i was so pissed! the porn company didn't believe me at first. and the bank wouldn't refund my over draft stuff because they thought it was my responsibility to not get my identity stolen. good luck!!

Zan said...

Hell no! Seriously....someone charged a stupid collect call to my account on a day and time when I was at work and could not have accepted the charge, but they are saying I did it anyway. Gah. Hate these need to go kill someone. Grrr. With a stick.

queen emily said...

Argh that sucks :(

Hope you can get your moneys back!