Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Halloween Book Ain't Happening, Guru Be Fucked

So, it's the 11th of October, and I haven't done any work on the book Guru wants done. Initially I was all freaked out about it, and now it's like I can't try to teach a class I hate, meet my advising obligations, meet with my writing groups and the Tech Comm Seminar every week, be a good girlfriend, try to grade (which, by the way, that ain't happening either), and keep sane. I'm kind of depressed about everything.

In other, unrelated news, I am sending prayers, good vibes, and kind wishes to my friends Doggerel and Butterfly Cauldron... I worry about them, and send them my love.


Maude said...

you know, i find a good law and order marathon (one which happens to be on usa all day today) to be a miracle cure for many of life's ills.

imogen66 said...

i love you. and i wish i were with you right this very second.